In the early stages of COVID-19 when the world found itself transitioning to remote, events and meetings got cancelled, club meetups postponed and appointments deferred. Klyk founder Albert Ovidi came to us with the idea of helping individuals and businesses better connect in this new digitally remote context.
As part of a wider venture strategy scope we worked with Albert, his team and wider stakeholders in a Recon engagement to explore varying opportunities that could address this mission. This included wider market, competitor and potential customer research.
Then, with an aligned stakeholder consensus we formulated a deeper hypothesis from which to validate from. This included envisioning the idea and early brand positioning. This then followed into a tangible strategic roadmap and scoping plan, with the goal of launching an MVP within 3-4 months.
Klyk is now an award-nominated platform that is helping lead the new creator economy by empowering creators and businesses to organize, manage and market better live online events. The platform utilizes existing consumer behaviour by pairing with well-known video call tools such as Zoom and Google Hangouts for the actual call, whilst offering the following around them: - Easily monetize their events, with paid attendance registration - Market their events and selves, with customizable event and creator pages - Better manage their events, with email based registration, updates and reminder features to ensure high attendance. Along with the initial strategy and MVP implementation Josephmark also aided the team on pricing strategy, brand strategy, go-to-market, legal/privacy compliance and trademarking.
To make sure Klyk’s features not only met the expectations of users, but excited and delighted them, we tested the event management experience with instructors, influencers, makers and other creators. The main surprise for testers was how easy it was to get set up with a paid account and start receiving funds for hosted paid events. This was thanks to Klyk’s seamless payment integration and revenue management features.
"Thank you to JM for all their hard work and great creative output. The content is really strong and you are making a difference in this partnership by playing a key role in our Klyk.”— Albert Ovidi, COO and Co-Founder